Monday, April 5, 2010

VBS Camp 2010

It will soon be time for VBS Camp (Coming June 2010)! You can now register on-line. Come join in the fun "WHERE KIDS JOIN FORCES WITH GOD"! At Hero HeadQuarters, kids will meet unlikely Bible heroes who are often overlooked. In fact, we don’t know a single one of their names! They were not famous leaders or called by God to perform amazing miracles—yet their small acts were used by God to do wonderful things!

There will also be classes for our adults as we study "Unnamed, Unsuspecting Heroes Singled Out By God"! Are you Unsure of your Heroic Potential? So were they. Afraid? Doubtful? They Were too. "Unnamed" introduces unsuspecting heroes from the Bible whp were prompted by God, then choose to take action even though they were unexpected, unclean, unpolished, unworthy, underestimated, uncertain, unnoticed and unranked.