Sunday, July 1, 2012

Backpack Drive

We are gearing up for our Backpack Drive, so start gathering those backpacks, pencils, pens, paper, crayons, glue, etc! For more info on how you can help us give back to the community and our local elementary schools please see Nicole Daye for more info!


Promise Island (Pre-K)

Promise Island Highlights (Teens)

VBS Crew

Calonia Fults, VBS Director

Martinique Jennings, Seaside Celebration Crew (Kamalei)

Marquisha Jennings, Seaside Celebration Crew (Madi)

Raymond Caffee, Lifeguard Lagoon Leader

Pastor Marc, Lifeguard Lagoon Leader

Edwin Ellis, Adult Leader

Thomasine Flores, Fun Time Falls Leader

Caronne Sease, Project Pointe Leader

Rev. Rob Robinson, Middle School Crew Leader

Elizabeth Harrell, Teen Crew Leader

Erica Morrison, PreSchool Leader/Tadpole Bay

Diane Robinson, Coconut Cafe Leader

We would like to thank all of the volunteers who helped at Promise Island this past week! We broke our participation records this year! Special shout out goes to our VBS Director Calonia Fults for all of her hard work! See you next year WABC family and friends! *Not pictured, Cyndi Jennings (photographer)